ART Progression Updated Sept 2020

  EYFS Year 1 & 2 Year 3 & 4 Year 5 & 6
(pencil, charcoal, chalk, pastels, ICT software)
ELG Physical development
  • 53 (40-60+)- Begin to use clockwise movements and retrace vertical lines
Extend the variety of drawings tools
Observe and draw patterns
Draw a way of recording experiences and feelings (take your pencil for a walk)
Sketch to make quick records
Experiment with various pencil grades
Close observation
Initial sketches as a preparation for painting (sketch book)
Accurate drawings of people – particularly faces
Work on a variety of scales
Effect of light on objects and people from different directions (sketch book)
Produce increasingly accurate drawings of people
Use the concept of perspective (sketch book)
Drawing-Escher, Leonardo Da Vinci
(painting, ink, dye, textiles, pencils, crayon, pastels)
ELG- Expressive arts and design
  • 25 (40-60+)Explore what happens when they mix colours
  • 28 (40-60+) Choose and manipulate colour to achieve a planned effect
Name colours (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, brown, white, clack, purple, pink)
Find collections of colour
Applying colour with a range of tools
Begin to describe colours by objects
Make as many tones of one colour as possible (using white)
Darken colours without using black
using colour on a large scale
Explore work of Iain Andrews, Chas Jacobs
Making colours
Create Colour wheels
Introduce different types of brushes
Different techniques for applying colour, scratching, dotting, splashing
Explore the work of Ewa Czarniecka, Jonathan Gabb, Jackson Pollock
EXPLORE Hue, tint, tone, shades and mood
Colour for purposes (chose for specific reason and justify)
Colour to express feelings (blue for sad… justify own choices)
Explore the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat US artist
(textiles, clay, sand, plaster, stone)
ELG- Expressive arts and design
  • 26 (40-60+ ) Experiment to create different textures
  • 27 (40-60+) Understand that different media can be combined to create new effects
  • 28 (40-60+) Manipulates materials to create a planned effect
Handling, manipulating and enjoying using materials
Sensory experience
Simple weaving using paper, strips of fabric
Collage using various textiles
Create textures using clay and simple found objects
Weaving using card
Explore different types of fabrics
Clay to create texture tiles using clay tools
Paint layers with sand to create texture
Use different size needles to sew simple patterns
Use a variety of stitches
Observe a wider variety of textured art
Compare different fabrics and their uses
Explore textures in clay to create a mood tile using clay tools
Explore the use of texture in colour (brick walls, leaves, concrete floors, wooden tables)
(3D work, clay, dough, boxes)
ELG-physical development
  • 49 (40-60+) Shows increasing control over an object, rolling. Patting, pushing, catching or kicking it
  • 50 (40-60+) Use simple tools to effect changes to materials
  • 51 (40-60+) Handle tools, objects, construction and maliable mat
Construct simple models and discuss their form
Use materials to make known objects for a purpose
Pinch and roll coils using modelling clay/dough/plastecine
Make simple joins
Discuss natural and manmade forms
Make forms using pliable material based on real life objects- trees, flowers, houses…
Discuss and evaluate work of famous sculptures
Plan and develop 3D work
Use imagination or real objects to inspire
Create model using various materials
Evaluate form and suggest improvements
Discuss and evaluate work of famous sculptures – Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth, Auguste Rodin
(found materials, fruit/veg, wood blocks, press print, string)
ELG- Expressive arts and design
  • 31 (40-60+) Selects appropriate resources and adapts work where necessary
Print with various objects including fruit
Print with block colours
Symmetrical printing
Create patterns using everyday objects (match sticks, fingers, string, cotton buds, corks…)
Use press print to create simple images
Colour mixing by overlapping coloured prints
Print with a growing range of objects
Collect example items that feature printed patterns
Discuss repeated patterns and how to replicate using printing
Combine own printed pieces to create art
Explore the work or Andy Warhol and use printing to create own images
Discuss and Evaluate their work compared to that of famous artists
(paint, pencil, textiles, clay, printing, natural)
Explore creating repeating patterns
Explore irregular painting patterns
Simple symmetry using a range of media (paper fold, printing…)
ELG Expressive arts and design
  • 27 (40-60+) Understand that different media can be combined to create new effects
  • 28 (40-60+) Manipulates materials to create a planned effect
Awareness of patterns both natural and manmade
Repeating patterns
Reflective Symmetry
Describe/ collect pattern in the environment, manmade-natural
Make patterns on a range of surfaces
Explore rotational symmetry
Explore environmental and manmade patterns
Create own abstract pattern to reflect an expression or experience
Create a tesselation/ repeating pattern for a purpose (fabric, wallpaper…)
Repeating patterns William Morris
SKILLS Using scissors correctly and safely
Use glue spreaders affectively
Hold a paint brush correctly
Using scissors safely and correctly to cut out more complex shapes
Use different thickness of paintbrush