Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Year 1

Include daily teaching such as answering the register in French, counting, colours.

I can say hello and goodbye in French.

I can say my name in French.

I can repeat colour names.

I can sing a French Christmas song.

I can watch a video about the epiphany story.

I can repeat farm animal names.

I can say family names e.g. mum

I can sing a French Easter song.

I can repeat numbers 1 – 10. I can name 3 sea creatures.

Year 2

Include daily teaching such as answering the register in French, counting, colours.

I can say colours in French I can sing head, shoulders, knees and toes in French I can repeat the months of the year in French

I can count to 10 in French

I can repeat cat, dog, fish, bird, horse, rabbit, mouse, sheep, snake and cow in French.

I can repeat butterfly, wasp, bee, ant and caterpillar in French I can repeat habitat names for land, sea and sky in French and sort dinosaurs into the correct habitat

Year 3

Please remember that MFL is taught best though oral work rather than teaching

I can say hello, hi, goodbye and see you soon in French

I can say numbers between 1 and 10.

I can say 4 colours in French

I can repeat the days of the week in French

I can say the months of the year in French

I can say and read 4 animals in French.

I can say what my favourite animal is.

I can understand a simple story.

I know some facts about Carnival in France.

I can say 6 colours and numbers between 1 and 10.

I can repeat some fruits and vegetables in French.

I can ask politely for an item.

I can say where I live.

I can ask and answer simple questions.

I can listen and join in with a story.

Year 4

Please remember that MFL is taught best though oral work rather than teaching

I can ask and answer several questions about myself.

I can say and read numbers between 0 and 20.

I can remember months of the year and days of the week.

I know some names of rooms in the school.

I can write my own fireworks poem.

I can say, understand and write some useful instructions.

I can say and recognise places in a town.

I can recall some months of the year.

I can say and write 4 family nouns in French

I can read and say 4 face parts in French.

I can say aloud animal nouns.

I can say nouns for different body and face parts.

I can describe an alien using nouns, numbers and colours.

I can say parts of the body.

I can explain why I don’t feel well or what hurts.

I can write a simple sentence to describe a jungle animal.

I can say the types of weather.

I can say flavours of ice cream.

Year 5

Please remember that MFL is taught best though oral work rather than teaching

I can introduce myself with simple sentences.

I can say some important things about myself and somebody else.

I can name school subjects.

I can understand and give simple information about a city.

I can ask for an entrance ticket politely.

I can understand and remember nouns for favourite possessions.

I can say fruits and vegetables.

I can follow a simple story.

I can read instructions for a recipe.

I can remember, say and write nouns for clothes.

I can read and write descriptive sentences.

I can ask and answer questions about someone’s identity.

I can read and understand simple information about planets.

I can read aloud sentences about the seaside.

I can understand the nouns for items I take to the beach.

Year 6

Please remember that MFL is taught best though oral work rather than teaching

I can recall phrases to describe my feelings.

I can understand “O’ Clock” time phrases.

I can talk about my daily routine.

I can understand the nouns for rooms in the house.

I can understand a story about a haunted house.

I can understand some numbers used in dates.

I can understand and write simple information about sports.

I can write simple sentences about a funfair.

I can say and write a sequence of short sentences about myself.

I know names of snacks and drinks.

I know some facts about favourite French meals.

I can act out the magicians sketch