Progression in Skills and Knowledge - History

Stage Chronological Knowledge/Understanding Historical Terms Historical Enquiry Interpretations of History
Early Years

Use everyday language related to time.

Order and sequence familiar events.

Describe main story settings, events, and characters.

Talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members.

Extend vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming.

Talk about and describe my home and the way I live, e.g., day-to-day life, my family, etc.

Answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions in response to stories or events.

Explain own knowledge and understanding.

Talk about and describe artefacts from the past and present.

Question why things happen and give explanations.

Know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities, and traditions.

Recognise and describe special times or events for family or friends.

Key Stage 1

Develop an awareness of the past.

Sequence events, photos, or objects in chronological order.

Identify similarities and differences between periods.

Use a wide vocabulary of everyday historical terms.

Use common words and phrases relating to the passing of time: a long time ago, recently, when my ...

Identify different ways the past is represented.

Sort artefacts into “then” and “now”.

Look at photos of the same place over time.

Look at objects from the past and ask questions like, "How were they used?"

Recognise why people did things, why events happened, and what happened as a result.

Make simple observations about different types of people, events, beliefs within a society.

Recognise that despite our differences of culture or religion, we are all part of one human family.

Key Stage 2

Continue to develop chronologically secure knowledge of history.

Develop use of appropriate historical terms: empire, civilization, monarch.

Understand some ways we find out about the past.

Compare and contrast the distinctive features of past societies.

Understand that the past is represented and interpreted in different ways.

Explain the reasons for key historical events.

Identify and give reasons for historical events, situations, and changes.

Describe social, cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity in Britain and the wider world.