Music Progression in Knowledge and Skills

Element EYFS Year 1 and 2 Year 3 and 4 Year 5 and 6

Keep a steady pulse in groups, to different tempos, using and exploring tuned and un-tuned instruments.

Keep a steady pulse in a group and solo without musical accompaniment in different tempos.

Keep a steady pulse in a group and solos on percussion and tuned instruments in different tempos, with other pupils playing ostinato to accompany.

On a tuned instrument, perform pieces to different tempos. When performing solo and in ensemble, follow direction to change tempo.


Join in with or repeat back short, basic rhythms in a solo or as part of a group.

Repeat back basic rhythms, from memory and perform from very basic notation.

Perform pieces with different rhythms. Recognize and clap/play back rhythms using single quaver rests.

Perform pieces of different tempos, which use dotted rhythms and single rest quavers.

Melody and Notation

Sing along to short melodies that use different pitches.

Sing back short melodies that use different pitches and develop the concept of pattern work in music using rhythm grids.

Be introduced to simple staff. Perform and compose using 3-5 pitched notes on tuned instruments (e.g., recorder, glockenspiel, keyboard).

Perform and compose using 3-8 pitched notes (e.g., recorder, glockenspiel, keyboard). Pupils capture their work in different formats for recreation.

Active Listening

Listen to a range of different music, both high-quality recorded and live.

Identify musical features in a range of high-quality live and recorded music. Identify where elements change (e.g., music gets faster or louder) and replicate these changes in a simple performance.

Compare elements and features of music in different traditions; play or sing back simple melodies that are heard.

Talk about features in music including tempo, melody, instrumentation, and rhythm/metre. Understand the key features of at least three different types/genres of music.

Composing and Improvising

Explore tuned and un-tuned instruments, using these to create improvised rhythms.

Improvise simple rhythms based on given stimuli (e.g., rhythm grids). Repeat back basic rhythms from memory and add imitations as improvisation.

Improvise and compose short tunes using up to 5 notes based on basic note value.

Improvise and compose short tunes using up to 8 notes and a variety of tempos and rhythms.


Explore playing different instruments and body percussion (e.g., clap, pat, snap, stomp).

Play basic rhythms on unturned percussion instruments and body percussion. Begin to use voice as an instrument.

Use tuned percussion instruments, as well as the voice, to perform different melodies and simple rhythms.

Perform confidently and accurately, individually and as part of a group.


Find singing voices and begin to sing along to simple songs.

Sing simple songs with some expression and in unison, both with and without accompaniment or backing tracks.

Sing songs with increasing confidence, control, and expression. Understand how breathing techniques and posture affect the voice.

Sing pieces, including those from a classical tradition, with a range of notes and different parts or in rounds. Develop confidence, control, expression, and breathing techniques.

Key Vocabulary
  pulse, tempo, instruments, short, long repetition, group, solo, melodies, high, low, rhythm, create, percussion, song, singing, voices. pulse, tempo, instruments, percussion, tuned, un-tuned, short, long repetition, imitations, group, ensemble, unison, solo, melodies, high, low, pitch, rhythm, create, improvise, song, singing, voices, features, notation, accompaniment. pulse, tempo, instruments, percussion, tuned, un-tuned, short, long repetition, imitations, group, ensemble, unison, solo, melodies, high, low, pitch, rhythm, create, improvise, song, singing, voices, features, notation, staff, accompaniment, pause, quaver, compose, technique, expression, melody, element, genre pulse, tempo, instruments, percussion, tuned, untuned, short, long repetition, imitations, group, ensemble, unison, solo, melodies, high, low, pitch, rhythm, create, improvise, song, singing, voices, features, notation, staff, accompaniment, pause, quaver, compose, technique, expression, melody, element, control, pattern, genre, range.